Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Nuts and floss.

I seem to be in a accessories phase. The making of them, mostly. Especially, since I'm more accustomed to buying solids instead of prints when it comes to blouses and tops which would make necklaces the cherry topping to my ice cream. But then, I don't like cherries, so let's make it NUTS instead. Appropriate though, cos the above necklace was made with hex nuts and embroidery floss. And I found out that tassles are super fun to make!!

My pinterest is always filled with craft ideas, and I've had this tutorial for awhile but never got around to making this til now especially since I found the receipt with the hex nuts dated February 2012. You can find the tutorials here and here

I went over the Spotlight last night to get me some more floss and grabbed them in themes cos a friend of mine requested I make one for her. I thought I'd be spending over $35 on floss alone and was a little apprehensive about it while walking to the counter. The cashier counted 43 colors and then asked if I had the 30% discount voucher sent via sms, to which I looked at her blankly and said no, but then remembering receiving an email from Spotlight but was cursing myself for not reading it, but she gave me the discount anyhow, and I only paid about $25 and wished I had bought even more cos now looking at the above spectrum, I missed out on reds and browns. 

I later found the discount voucher in my email. It was a secret 2 day sale and boy, am I glad I decided to go yesterday. Note to self - always read emails from Spotlight.

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